The Montessori Way

As Montessori educators we take full advantage of highly perceptive stages in young children by introducing Montessori activities, designed to stimulate the intellect.

We work in the following domains:

Practical Life
Cultural – Geography, Science, History, Art, Music and Movement.

Practical Life

This enhances the development of a child’s focus, concentration, task organization and cognitive order through care of self, care of the environment, exercises of grace, courtesy, and coordination of physical movement.

The Sensorial

This area enables the child to order, classify, and describe sensory impressions in relation to length, width, temperature, mass, colour, pitch, taste, smell, etc.

Language Arts

Includes oral language development, written expression, and reading through phonetics and understanding. The study of grammar, creative dramatics, poetry and children’s literature plants the seed for children to become passionate and lifelong readers.


Math comes alive in a Montessori classroom. The concepts of quantity, numeracy, sequencing, and all four mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) become second nature. Here the skills for logical thinking are developed.

Cultural Activities

Children discover History, Geography, and Life Sciences, such as Biology, Botany and Zoology. Music, Art, Physical Education and Spatial Movement are part of the integrated cultural and sports program.